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View and search huge log files with glogg

Glogg is an open-source tool for viewing and searching even the largest and most complex log files. The program opens files very quickly.

glogg - Linux Mint

Glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators ...

Search with regex, multiline · Issue #152 · nickbnfglogg

I am trying to search an enormous 40GB file using glogg for blocks of text between specific delimiters which contain something specific, using a regular ... - nickbnfglogg

glogg is a multi-platform GUI application that helps browse and search through long and complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system ...

glogg — Documentation

glogg can display and search through logs while they are written to disk, as it might be the case when debugging a running program or server.

glogg — glogg

glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in ... Glogg version v1.1.4 released · Download · Screenshots · Documentation

glogg — Description

glogg enables you to use regular expressions to search for interesting events in your log files. It presents a results window.

Feature Request

This feature would allow users to perform searches and pattern matching directly from the command line, making it more convenient for automation ...

Glogg your way through mountains of logs

Glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in ...

Open Large Files With Glogg

Glogg is a log viewer which can open huge files. # ... The best and fastest application to open and search large files.


Gloggisanopen-sourcetoolforviewingandsearchingeventhelargestandmostcomplexlogfiles.Theprogramopensfilesveryquickly.,Gloggisamulti-platformGUIapplicationtobrowseandsearchthroughlongorcomplexlogfiles.Itisdesignedwithprogrammersandsystemadministrators ...,Iamtryingtosearchanenormous40GBfileusinggloggforblocksoftextbetweenspecificdelimiterswhichcontainsomethingspecific,usingaregular ...,gloggisamu...